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Upcoming Events

August 7th, 2021- Location TBD (Union County)


Pop-Up Foam Party


Bring to the attention to the community and support mental health awareness.

It will be a chance to scream out loud and put 2020 behind us for good.   
What is a pop-up event?
A pop-up event is a short notice gathering intended to raise awareness and create buzz.  
What is a foam party?
What is mental awareness and mental health?
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the mental health of people of all ages. Now, more than ever, it is critical to reduce the stigma around mental health struggles, because that stigma often prevents individuals from seeking help.  Promoting a safe, consequence free environment for people to address their anguish or anxiety is what we are promoting.  And what better way--- in FOAM! Where kids and parents alike can let loose.

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